JTE Gist: Exclusive interview with UK-based Nigerian thespian “Yannick Philippe”
9jasoundtv presents to you our beautiful fans, an exclusive interview with one of Nigerian/UK based recording artist, song writer, actor and young vibrant rapper, who is doing well for himself by making his fans happy worldwide, with lots of good works to his credit .
Yes, my name is Philippe Yannick Iwuegbu and my stage name is Yannick Philippe
2. For how long have you been in the music industry?
I have been in the industry for about five years now dropping singles and shooting videos.
3. What inspires to do music? :
Yes, some Nigerian rappers inspire me a lot, like Terry tha rapman,
Mode 9, 2face Asa.
4. Tell us about your style/genre of music:
I do hiphop ,Trap music,
Afropop and anything that I can vibe to.
5. Tell us about your label or Management:
my record label is called Yannick Philippe Music Group and my management is run by my manager.
6. Do you have any special features, that you think would stand you out in no due time? :
Yes I had a collab with Terry tha rapman and pherow but am already planning to work with mode 9 on new single which I believe it’s going to be lit.
7. Who are you looking up to in the Nigerian Music Industry:
I am looking Up to mode 9, Terry tha rapman and 2face.
8. In the next 3 years, where would you love to see yourself?:
I see myself doing more collaborations and dropping more videos, singles and establishing a brand for myself.
9. What are you currently working on?:
I am currently working on an EP of six songs and I will be getting collabs on it.
10. Do you have contact information for your fans or bookings?:
my booking email for collaboration and gigs is yannickxphilippe@gmail.com Instagram is @yannickxphilippe Facebook is @yannickxphilippe
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